Located in the heart of Fairfield County, Wilton is a town nestled in the Norwalk River Valley in southwestern Connecticut. It is located in Fairfield County. As of the 2012 Census, the town population was 18,201.
Wilton, is an upscale residential community with open lands, historic architecture and extensive town services. Residents commonly commute to New York City, Stamford and Norwalk, although there are a number of office buildings in town. Wilton was rated one of CNN's top 25 towns to live, boasting an average household income of over $300,000 per family.
Wilton's neighborhoods include: Silvermine, Georgetown, South Wilton, Wilton Center, Gilbert Corners, Cannondale, and North Wilton.
This graph above shows the number of homes sold in Wilton each month for the past 3 years with the yellow bars representing the current year. Wilton home sales in May are almost equivalent to what they were in 2014. They were down in April comparatively to the slight increase seen in 2014 but equivalent to the home sales occurring in 2012-2013. Unlike Westport and Ridgefield which both saw decreases in home sales likely due to this past winter and Weston seeing an increase in sales, Wilton has stayed relatively average.
As this graph indicates the stronger a market gets, the more competitive bidding exists, the closer your sales price will move to your list price. Therefore, as you can tell, the Wilton Real Estate Market is improving. The prices of homes being sold in Wilton are being sold at almost exact asking price. They are dramatically up from April as well as down comparatively higher than this time last year.
The above graph shows the average number of days a house will spend on the market last year by town in Fairfield County. The number of days a house in Wilton spends on the market is fairly average for the towns surrounding it in Fairfield County. It spends more time on the market than in Danbury and Norwalk, and is sold quicker than in Weston, Westport, and Newtown. The number of days on market is almost identical to Ridgefield, a neighboring town that is very similar to Wilton.
The graph above displays the average price a house was sold for each month in a specific town. Wilton homes are currently at about $925,000 and were on a steady incline aside from the dramatic decrease that occurred in April.
The graph above shows the types of houses that were sold in the past year in Wilton. Colonial is an extremely popular choice and much more houses of this style have been sold comparatively. Slightly less than 20 houses that were contemporary or cape style were sold and only a little more than 20 ranch style homes were sold in this same period of time.
The most recent stock market collapse was during 2008. A steady decrease in average sale prices for homes in Wilton can be clearly seen above when it was difficult to buy houses at such previously high rates.
Despite the most recent stock market crash occurring 7 years ago, the economy has not completely recovered. However, this graph above showing the average sale prices for homes in Wilton has slowly begun to increase since 2013 as seen in the upward linear trend line.
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