I am taking a completely new to me angle on this networking event I attended, since it was an eye opener for me. I love people watching. People come in all shapes and sizes, heights, weights and brain power.
Attending the Professional Women of Connecticut's dinner program in Norwalk last night was a study in humanity. I am not a psychology student, - I sell real estate. That's a study of humanity by itself, I guess. The program had a wonderful speaker, Karen Graves, who was addressing the simple act of changing "Salesphobics into Salesaholics" through a powerful "K.I.S.S.ed Elevator Speech."
Karen Graves related that she had been "Broke, Busted, and Disgusted," and was never ever going there again.
I was fascinated with the power of this friendly simple woman, and all she had to relate. The simplest message - you have the power within you to sell yourself and your product - whatever that might be. You simply need to learn to find and harness that inner confidence and learn to let others see it. Your elevator speech is the shortest and simplest way to introduce you and what you do in a powerful way.
As fascinating as Karen Graves' message was, I was even more fascinated with the dynamics going on in the room, as some were very comfortable in their skin and professions, and others definitely not. As we went around introducing ourselves, it was quite plain who was comfortable, and who needed Karen's help. I had luckily bumped into a group who were very comfortable with themselves when I first walked in.
One, Mindy Kannon, a nutrition coach, was very confident and comfortable in her skin. Another, Kerry Wood, has been a commercial realtor for all of six months. She stood straight and tall, and knew what she was about. Next to her was Ellie Becker, an online strategies coach - the sweetest and most intelligent woman!
All felt they were the expert in their field, and here is where my title comes in. Each of the four, myself included, had a bit of intensity and a lot of energy - and got excited about stuff! There was definitely a fine line between using the word intense or the other - excited. The animation in Mindy when she was making a point about something she was passionate and excited about - stay clear! Kerry and I were a little less intense, but still you could see the fires burning in each of us. We were passionate about our fields.
I was drawn to this small group - I believe there is a magnet between like minded folks - there's a reason for Little Italy and Chinatown.
There were three Realtors in the group. Mary Ann Laurita from Prudential (residential realty) in Westport, Kerry Wood from HKGroup (commercial realty) from Westport, and me (residential realty) broker/owner of my own brokerage, Dagny's Real Estate. The difference between us, how we sought clients, how we do marketing, our approach to the same profession was simply fascinating to watch. Nothing was the same.
I also was the only one in the room actively blogging for business, aside from Karen and Ellie (she better be doing it!)
All very interesting .......
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