Just When You Need The Help!!!!

August 27, 2012 scroll to read ...
Have you ever had a weird situation that you didn't want your local community in on? I have... and Active Rain is always like a family - help without judgement. I just wanted to rant and rave a little about the small things that happen here in th...

Have you ever had a weird situation that you didn't want your local community in on?

I have... and Active Rain is always like a family - help without judgement.

I just wanted to rant and rave a little about the small things that happen here in the Rain that really are big things.

Whenever I have a question - any question - I can easily pick up the phone and call anyone here on Active Rain and probably get the answer.

Whenever I need help - I get help!

I needed advice on some forms - ask and yee shall have!

I needed help with a client - just ask please....

Last week I had a HUGE (to me at least) question - I called Ed Silva, and got the answer immediately!

Yesterday, I had just returned at one o'clock from vacation, printed up some listings, and flew out the door to meet clients 1/2 hour away.


My clients were arriving any minute - I had never met them - I racked my brain to figure out who in that town I could borrow an eKey from? (That's when your mind goes blank, don't you know) Gail Robinson, Dagny Eason Wilton CT Homes for sale

Gail Robinson! Maybe she will know someone in this town! I called, and within 15 minutes I had her eKey in hand and we were off looking at open (not locked) houses. She not only let me borrow her eKey, she also drove it to me. With a smile. All I had to do was return it and have a glass of wine with her afterwards. That was easy! We are also submitting an offer - so these clients must not have thought that I was a total dingbat!!!!

What a great favor Gail did - I have no idea if she was about to need her eKey or not.... she didn't let on.

Active Rain - always help with a smile.

Because we love Fairfield County!

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