Fun Ideas For Painting! Blackboard?

February 26, 2012 scroll to read ...
Have you ever wondered what fun it could be as a kid to just draw all over your walls? Why do we keep losing our lists, and why can't anyone find the notes we leave them? There have been a plethora of houses lately with special paint on the walls in certain rooms. One had blackboard...

Fun Ideas For Painting! Blackboard?

Have you ever wondered what fun it could be as a kid to just draw all over your walls?

Why do we keep losing our lists, and why can't anyone find the notes we leave them?

There have been a plethora of houses lately with special paint on the walls in certain rooms. One had blackboard paint on a child's wall - how cool is that?Blackboard wall

Another had metallic paint under the chalkboard paint, so magnets would stick, AND you could write notes, lists, and reminders...

That was on a kitchen wall as you came in from the garage, so everyone could write notes to each other, or lists, or reminders ...

I LOVE this, and wish we had it when my kids were little.... it existed, just "wasn't done" or even thought of...

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